VIPStepmom PODCAST: Would You Still Say YES?
I’m in VIPStepmom launch celebration mode so I’m sharing a taste of just ONE of the exclusive resources for VIPStepmom members! Here is a bonus version of our VIPStepmom podcast! I asked all the ladies, if you knew then, what you know now….would you still say YES?
PLEASE follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We post member updates and new releases there.
The answers were um…a little heartbreaking. Listen to my audio as I shed some light on another perspective (and when it’s time to RUN!)
Keep it real. Had you known all the struggles, hardships and pressure that can accompany Stepmotherhood, would you still have moved forward with your relationship?
Some lady out there may be on the edge of the cliff and your response could save her from jumping!
If you don’t feel comfortable answering here, join my VIPStepmom Discussion Board.
In my vows, I made a commitment to not only my Husband but to his children, my #StepKids, as well. This is the day we became a Blended Family.
Sadly, they were not in attendance, so I made sure no other children came to our wedding. I did not want my Stepkids to come across photos of all our little nieces and nephews having a ball on the dancefloor and feel excluded. That stung.
I knew things would change for the better, I also know my stepkids would ultimately question why they were not there. We are prepared to answer them with respect to the progress we’ve made.
These past few years have been quite a learning experience. There have been many tears, court dates, laughs, frustrating times and moments of genuine love!
Without placing blame or living in the past, I’ll say that ALL is forgiven. It’s never too late to start blending your family! Are you ready to BE THE CHANGE? Sometimes, all it takes is a phone call, an apology, an acknowledgment of your co-parents struggles.
We often dehumanize the #DeadbeatDad #BitterBabyMama#EvilStepMom and we do not welcome these people into our BRAND NEW family structure because it’s easier to just NOT acknowledge them at all.
Most importantly, we simply cannot accept that, whether we like it or not, these people are our family and they will be intricately involved with raising our children. It’s time for pride and ego to be set aside and some real conversations to happen. I became a Stepfamily Coach because of my own experience. I joined a family that had been devastated by divorce. While I did not have a hand in the destruction in the original family unit, I was not initially welcome into the NEW family structure with open arms! (Fun fact: it takes the average family 5-7 years to blend).
As I often say, IF a MAN is not the BEST you’ve ever been with RUN (don’t walk RUN) !!!
We already know that being a Stepmom can be an isolating role and it ain’t for the faint of heart. BUT so often I see Stepmoms enduring trash behavior from their significant others and staying to endure. She ends up stressed out, anxious and depressed for a man that simply does NOT have the tools to make her life better.
If a man has kids, it’s his job to usher you into his ready-made family with delicacy. He has to lay the groundwork to protect you from all of the extra nuances in his life. He must be committed to showing compassion to the fact that there’s gonna a major learning curve for you.
Financial hardships, lying, lack of empathy, cheating, and other hurtful factors are not worth enduring ON TOP of dealing with a high conflict ex and kids.
VIPStepmom members, log in to your account to read/watch/listen all of the resources I’ve just posted! If you’d like to sign up for a membership, click HERE!
If you’re brand new here, enter your email and I’ll tell you a little more about myself and the VIPStepmom experience.