by Coach Naja Hall

Are you suffering from Stepmom Onset Anxiety?
I totally made that up BUT many Stepmoms have found themselves embattled and overcome by bad feelings! When the man of your dreams is attached to circumstances that give you nightmares, it’s either time to RUN or slay the beast! It was a long, bumpy road before I joined #TeamUnbothered and one of my missions is to equip girls like us with the tools to take back our peace of mind, maintain happy relationships and be present for life’s greatest joys.
The Unbothered Stepmother
I’m Naja Hall, a Master Stepfamily Coach and I am a proud Stepmother. In the beginning of my journey, however, conflict, frustration and the negative social stigma that plagues the stepmom community kept me from wearing my title with pride. It was a long, bumpy road before I joined #TeamUnbothered and one of my missions is to equip girls like us with the tools to take back our peace of mind, maintain happy relationships and be present for life’s greatest joys.
HOW do I become a VIPStepmom? All you have to do is sign up! In order to join #TeamUnbothered, there’s a monthly membership fee of $8.97. I also have other options for Stepmoms that need more intense help. While I produce tons of free content, VIP Stepmom videos, webinars, downloadables and exclusive content will not be available anywhere else on the web. We’re getting raw and candid so this exclusive content is safeguarded in our VIP space.
raw, real & honest solutions.
∴You deserve a life free of anxiety, worry and defeat. I got YOU, girlfriend!
∴It’s about time you realized that you don’t have to see yourself as his second (or next) wife. You’re his LAST Wife!
∴Self-care is a must. Join me and learn my personal tips on maintaining balance amidst conflict and chaos.
∴I am going to help you align your expectations with your reality so that you can change your perspective and chose happiness.
∴I’ll equip you with the tools to kick his high-conflict ex out of your head.
∴Learn how to make your stepkids yearn for your presence! Yup, you read that right!
Naja Hall is the stepmom coach you’ve been looking for. She’s one of the smartest, most inspirational people you’ll ever meet and she’ll change your life (and your outlook about Stepmothering) for the better!
–Brenda Ockun
StepMom Magazine Founder & Publisher

3 membership levels gold, rose & blxx
Some Stepmoms prefer structured, yet flexible interaction. Some prefer carefully curated content. And others may be dealing with a very hard situation and need more intense solutions. All three VIP Rooms are excellent! You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime.

What's in it for you?
I’m glad you asked! I specialize in solution-based coaching for conflicted stepmoms. I have created exclusive tools for women at any stage of their journey. If your situation commands more up close and personal attention, then you’ve come to the right place. Starting at $8.97/month you’ll get customized content that will NOT be available anywhere else on the internet EVER.
...maybe I'll name drop a little Here are some of the expert speakers
My friends are pretty amazing people and they’ve become experts in their respective niches. When you become a VIP Stepmom, you gain access to my one-on-one uninhibited chat with them on SOLUTIONS for the problems Stepmoms face.
These folks are my real-life associates and they support my mission to empower Stepmoms. Because these videos will not be available to the general public, my guests are not holding back in these exclusive conversations. Bring a pen, pad, wine and tissue! It’s goin’ down!
"I'd literally cry myself to sleep until I came across one of Naja's videos. I was fed up and I'd already hired a divorce attorney but as I listened to her words, I started having a mindset shift. She totally changed my perspective and showed me my true power." -Stepmom Stephanie M.
Who is a VIP Stepmom? A VIP Stepmom is a woman that understands that sometimes she is the leading lady, sometimes she is the stagehand and other times, she is not in the scene at all. We are women that have the privilege, yes, privilege of loving men with children. We also know that we have the flexibility to step up and step away!
WHY did I create a space just for Stepmoms? I’m one of you! I’m all about inclusion, but us Stepmoms are just different from everyone else. Our issues are unique. Our position is thankless, and we often feel isolated in our own homes. My work focuses on the family as a complete system, but far too many stepmoms feel like outsiders. Not on my watch, not anymore!