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Are you healing or JUST dealing?

Next Mastermind STARTS SOON! Only 7 slots Available

How does the Mastermind work?

Step 1: Read this entire page. 
Step 2: Book your free 20-minute  
Step 3: Pay, sign the confidentiality contract, and schedule your 1-hour solo Coaching session with Master Coach Naja Hall
Step 4: Begin Mastermind and begin your journey toward total wellness

You have tried therapy, couples counseling, prayer and even sage to deal with your Stepmom woes but nothing has worked. NOW, YOU’VE FINALLY FOUND THE RESOURCE THAT WILL HELP YOU RECLAIM YOUR PEACE.

My 4-week Stepmom Mastermind Intensive program is for women whose roles as stepmothers have become a source of stress, frustration, and contention in their lives.

Facebook groups are a great starting point when you want to feel supported and gain insight when it comes to being a stepmother. I’ve built two large blended family communities, so I am well aware that these spaces can be enlightening.

One of the drawbacks of seeking help on such massive forums is that you are subjected to all sorts of opinions and viewpoints, most of which are not from professional sources and sometimes they may not be solution-oriented. 

You’ve been dealing by reading and commenting on the lamentations of other stepmoms. You deal by reading the blogs and listening to podcasts. You are probably in several online groups and maybe you’ve ordered a few books. 

My years overseeing my online communities have shown me that there are some women that just want to find ways to deal with their situations. On a daily basis, my inbox gets flooded with hundreds of DMs from women that me to help them just deal with their situations. BUT there’s a core group of women that truly want to heal. Healing is a decision. It takes REAL work and dedication to not only acknowledge that you can’t do it alone but you have to make sure you are investing in the right tools. 

Are you ready to get started?

I'm Naja Hall Stepfamily Coach

I am also a proud Stepmother. In the beginning of my journey, conflict, frustration and the negative social stigma that plagues the stepmom community kept me from wearing my title with pride. It was a long, bumpy road before I joined #TeamUnbothered and one of my missions is to equip girls like us with the tools to take back our peace of mind, maintain happy relationships and be present for life’s greatest joys. 

I’m sure you had a pretty cool life before you became a stepmom and I want to help you rediscover your true essence.  If your role as a stepmom has become a major source of stress, then it’s time you reclaim your life.

I love helping women like you sort through the nuances that can sometimes accompany being in a relationship with a fella that has children.

  • Do your loved ones always tell you that you always seem stressed?
  • Do you feel like you’re in a constant state of anxiety and depression?
  • Have you lost yourself because of all the chaos and drama that surrounds your relationship?

While our roles as stepmoms aren’t for the faint of heart, I’m going to show you how to navigate your way back to living a life that you control.

VIPStepmom member, Ally L. was so inspired by our Coaching Session that she graciously sent me this testimonial video about her transformative experience. I do not request video reviews, so I was so happy to receive this. She is a *Real Paying Client.

4-week Stepmom Mastermind Intensive Here's the Breakdown

Details: Each participant is required to sign a Client Agreement. Individual and Group Coaching activities are conducted with full anonymity. Participants are not required to use video capability during group conference calls. All activity is strictly confidential and is not to be replicated nor displayed on social media. I carefully curate group participants based on commonalities and similar experiences. I encourage the tribe to work with one another outside of mandatory weekly group meetings. All activities will happen on VIPStepmom databases, not facebook. Upon full payment and signed Client Agreement, you will be given access to the Stepmom Mastermind Intensive portal and the meeting schedule. 

raw, real & honest solutions.

∴You deserve a life free of anxiety, worry and defeat. I got YOU, girlfriend!

∴It’s about time you realized that you don’t have to see yourself as his second (or next) wife. You’re his LAST Wife!

∴Self-care is a must. Join me and learn my personal tips on maintaining balance amidst conflict and chaos.

∴I am going to help you align your expectations with your reality so that you can change your perspective and chose happiness.

∴I’ll equip you with the tools to kick his high-conflict ex out of your head.

∴Learn how to make your stepkids yearn for your presence! Yup, you read that right!

How much does this cost?

Total value $789.97

Secure YOUR spot today for only $549.99

You can finally invest in the help and resources you need for a fraction of the cost. 

Each cycle, I personally select a small group of women to enter into my Stepmom Mastermind Intensive. During this 4-week period, you will have individual and group coaching sessions. We will begin the process of undoing the damage that stepmothering has inflicted on your life through video, audio, take-home assignments, personal challenges, and group accountability sessions.


  • (1) 1-Hour Individual Coaching Session with Coach Naja (value $150)
  • (4) Weekly Group Power Hour Meetings (value $450)
  • All-Access pass to VIPStepmom member portal (value $149)
  • Curated and customized weekly assignments and tasks

4-week Program Curriculum
Week 1: Who am I? 
Understanding your patterns, identifying your traumas, conflict resolution abilities etc. Are you cut out to be a stepmom? Define how you thought it would be? What is your reality? Identify your Cognitive Distortion tendencies. Complete CD course.

Week 2: Who is she?
Assessing bm, her behavior, how she makes you feel? Minimizing the hcbm.

Week 3: Who are they?
All about your stepkids and their effect on your life. We will also discuss the family as an entire entity and how YOU can be best served.

Week 4: Your Partner
How does your partner make your role easier or harder? Are they equipped to be the man in the middle? 

Secure YOUR spot today!

You can finally invest in the help and resources you need for a fraction of the cost. 

As you know, talk therapy and counseling sessions range from $75-150 per hour. In 4-weeks, you accumulate months worth of help because I target a very special problem area in your life. You get a wealth of knowledge from my database, coaching and a curated accountability group to support you as you make the difficult transition from overwhelmed stepmom BACK to a better version of YOU.

You also get full access to me! The reason I can only accommodate a few women in my Stepmom Mastermind Intensive is because I become your partner for 4-weeks.  I give my Masterminds my personal cell so that they can call or text me when they are in crisis. The Intensive requires you to be emotionally aware and vulnerable. So that means, I must make myself available to you. My approach is different from your therapist because I am a Coach, therefore I have more flexibility by which to impact your life in a positive way. My goal is to give you the tools to handle situations on your own.

  • Payment in full is due to reserve your spot. 
  • *Tentative* Group Sessions begin at the top of each month

Are you ready to get started?