VIP STepmom
by naja hall
A community for the woman that\’s ready to THRIVE
I\’m Naja Hall, a Master Stepfamily Coach and I am a proud Stepmother. In the beginning of my journey, however, conflict, frustration and the negative social stigma that plagues the stepmom community kept me from wearing my title with pride. It\’s MINE. I OWN it and I get to wear it how I please! Struggle love is out of style and it\’s VERY possible for you to love a man with kids and still have a VERY happy life. Now is the time that you will:
- shift your focus back to your relationship with your partner
- step away from the drama and silence the noise
- learn REAL coping mechanisms in order to thrive
I\’ve built a solid community for you! No matter where you are in your journey, I\’m equipping you with the tools to maintain your HAPPINESS and PEACE OF MIND. If you want to know more, enter your email address below and I\’ll tell you all about it.
You deserve a life free of anxiety, worry and defeat. I got YOU, friend!
Naja will change your life!
Naja Hall is the stepmom coach you\’ve been looking for. She\’s one of the smartest, most inspirational people you\’ll ever meet and she\’ll change your life (and your outlook about Stepmothering) for the better!
–Brenda Ockun
StepMom Magazine Founder & Publisher