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summer visitation

Stepmom Summer Survival Guide

In case you can\’t tell, I\’m a huge Game Of Thrones fan! If you have no clue what that is, it\’s ok!

I want you to dazzle this summer and I\’m going to show you how! 

As a token of my appreciation for stopping, please enjoy this compilation of awesome responses I’ve put together! 

xo  Naja Hall

Enter your email address and I\’ll send you the eBook in a few seconds.

Hey StepSista!

You\’re a Stepmom+Sisterfriend and NOW you\’re a VIP!

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It\’s about time I created a space just for US!

I\’m Naja Hall, a Certified Master Stepfamily Coach and I am a proud Stepmother. In the beginning of my journey, however, conflict, frustration and the negative social stigma that plagues the stepmom community kept me from wearing my title with pride. It\’s MINE. I OWN it and I get to wear it how I please dammit! I\’m looking forward to getting to know you and ushering you to the #TeamUnbothered. Yup, no more anxiety, drama or Stepmom Stress!