Being a stepmom is NOT my most important role but…
My role as a stepmom was ONCE responsible for 100% of my anxiety, sadness, and displeasure with my relationship. It seemed like the man of my dreams was attached to something from my nightmares. All I wanted to do was have a good relationship, but it seemed like the decisions he made before I even came along would haunt me forever. Not only do I have a Family Sciences degree, I’m a Certified Family Life Educator. Most importantly, I’m a STEPMOM that is no longer affected by the antics of those I cannot control. The level of peace and #unbotheredness I’ve reached is a place I NEVER thought I’d be. I know most Coaches, therapists, and lightworkers must position themselves as if they’re lives are squeaky clean BUT I went through hell! I often talk about my experiences in my private members discussions, the secret podcast, blogs etc. I do this to show you that I know WHERE you are. I am meeting you exactly where you are and I will hold your hand until you get to higher ground. I’m Naja Hall and I got your back.
I’ll see you inside the Members Portal. Make yourself at home, take off your shoes- you’re amongst family now.
Founder, VIPStepmom|Master Stepfamily Coach
-Naja Hall