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by Coach Naja Hall

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Are you suffering from Stepmom Onset Anxiety?

I totally made that up BUT many Stepmoms have found themselves embattled and overcome by bad feelings! When the man of your dreams is attached to circumstances that give you nightmares, it’s either time to RUN or slay the beast! It was a long, bumpy road before I joined #TeamUnbothered and one of my missions is to equip girls like us with the tools to take back our peace of mind, maintain happy relationships and be present for life’s greatest joys.

Master Stepfamily Coach, Naja Hall makes an appearance on the Today Show. She chats on stepmotherhood and how to overcome common challenges.

The Unbothered Stepmother

I’m Naja Hall, a Master Stepfamily Coach and I am a proud Stepmother. In the beginning of my journey, however, conflict, frustration and the negative social stigma that plagues the stepmom community kept me from wearing my title with pride. It was a long, bumpy road before I joined #TeamUnbothered and one of my missions is to equip girls like us with the tools to take back our peace of mind, maintain happy relationships and be present for life’s greatest joys.

What happens when you join VIPStepmom? You gain instant access to all of the tools and resources available to members. We have a huge database of content, personal coaching, and live digital events. You can jump in and join the party. You’re among sisterfriends now! You will receive one email per week with content that I’ve customized just for you.

raw, real & honest solutions.

∴You deserve a life free of anxiety, worry and defeat. I got YOU, girlfriend!

∴It’s about time you realized that you don’t have to see yourself as his second (or next) wife. You’re his LAST Wife!

∴Self-care is a must. Join me and learn my personal tips on maintaining balance amidst conflict and chaos.

∴I am going to help you align your expectations with your reality so that you can change your perspective and chose happiness.

∴I’ll equip you with the tools to kick his high-conflict ex out of your head.

∴Learn how to make your stepkids yearn for your presence! Yup, you read that right!

Being a stepmom is NOT my most important role but...

My role as a stepmom was ONCE responsible for 100% of my anxiety, sadness, and displeasure with my relationship. It seemed like the man of my dreams was attached to something from my nightmares. All I wanted to do was have a good relationship, but it seemed like the decisions he made before I even came along would haunt me forever. Not only do I have a Family Sciences degree, I’m also a Certified Family Life Educator. Most importantly, I’m a STEPMOM that is no longer affected by the antics of those I cannot control.

The level of peace and #unbotheredness I’ve reached is a place I NEVER thought I’d be. I know most Coaches, therapists, and lightworkers must position themselves as if they’re lives are squeaky clean BUT I went through hell! I often talk about my experiences in my private members discussions, the secret podcast, blogs etc. I do this to show you that I know WHERE you are. I am meeting you exactly where you are and I will hold your hand until you get to higher ground. I’m Naja Hall and I’ve got your back.

I’ll see you inside the Members Portal. Make yourself at home, take off your shoes- you’re amongst family now.

Founder, VIPStepmom|Master Stepfamily Coach

-Naja Hall